So, today I made the decision to start a blog to have a place to talk about my passion for photography. I’m active on Instagram and Facebook and you can find me there most of the time. But here I’m hoping to be able to really talk turkey. (That expression may have just dated me HA!) Bear with me because photos are my interpretative dance and preferred language. I’m much more eloquent speaking in pictures.
First, let me explain why I named my blog “Waves and Wonders”, I’m a grateful believer in the Divine. I am a Christian. Ansel Adams said it better than I can when he said, “God Creates the beauty. My camera and I are a witness”.
I’m writing this in the year 2020 and wherever or whoever you are I can bet that you could agree this year has been a challenge. Finding the beauty in chaos creating art from is what keeps me sane and gives me peace. If you are like me and find comfort in nature I hope to invite you along with me on my sunset chasing , wave watching and general wonder hunting excursions through my photos.
Despite the challenges of this year I have seen many wonders and can count many blessings. One personal challenge I’ve faced this year is my forced retirement from a 20 year career due to the pandemic. I was a professional face painting artist who worked private and corporate events. While someday I hope to return to it, I’m immersing myself into photography and I’m grateful for this season to do so.
I chose this particular photo as my cover because I felt it really told an encouraging story. That bird is cruising through those waves with his head held high.
“I want to remember to notice the wonders of each day, in each moment, no matter where I am under any circumstance.” ― Charlotte Eriksson
